Man and death, the mystery of man on Earth. Death is a necessary end, from dust to dust to both the rich and the poor have this end. “Then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” Ecclesiastes 12 vs 7. He said man was not empower to add or deduct from his years on Earth.
Life seems so uncertain or pointless that make man to live in fear of uncertainty. So you find it difficult to believe and accept the end result of a man very sad reality sooner or later when you understand a painful ordeal.
The initial plan of God Almighty is for men to live forever, immortality not mortality due to the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The pronounced curses from God established the sad reality of life called death Gen 3 vs 17. Different scientific examinations and laboratory experiment to extend our life expantacy, this only help to keep soul and body fit for the expected period of God which is irreversible. It takes the glory and mercy of God to receive additional age.
Ageing is another phenomenal that men want to correct through drugs and diet only for a period of time God is always ahead of men. However we try God is unbeatable. The only person that God multiply his age is Hezekiah. Jesus Christ of Nazareth has the power over death. 1st Corinthians 15 vs 55…”O ye death where is thy Sting”?
Some sowed the destiny of all their children to Satan for long life. Among the rich people, some convenanted the early death of their grandchildren to purchase long life but they lack the power of resurrection. Yet death is the sad reality of life
Ogboni fraternity that has is root Dec 18 1914. Casarett decided to study medicine in other to bring people back to life . David Casarett was inspired to go to medical school in other to become an ER Doctor. David Casarett is now an associate professor at the university of pennysyvania . In his new book shocked adventure of bringing back the dead. His a member of Ogboni fraternity. With the power of Christ G.O DASAGOM prophet Olumuyidele Daramola Felix, God used him to bring the dead back to life. A child who is about to be burried. This took place at the very Altar of Divine Ark of Salvation Gospel Ministry INC… the child is still alive today.
The testimony is on our church video, I went as far as Ayinke General hospital emergency ward. A woman was at the theater helpless for days. God used me to deliver the woman, the doctor only gave me 5 minutes in the thetre first of such. Her case was that of placenta Trivia, the baby also double crossed in the womb the mother. This one of the most challenging miracle upon Mount DASAGOM. I hope those nurses and Doctors on duty are reading this piece today. For God said he has given power to trample upon snake and pestilence Luke 10 Vs 19.