A little bit to the right, a little bit to the left. I discovered that there’s nothing hidden from God under the sky. The journey may be rough, sometimes maybe smooth depending on the side of the coins. The world is like a theater stage. Our creator is the master planner, God almighty. You are not your maker, we only put on the image of God, we are all his handiwork.

A star is not made but born. Every born Stars are visionary, every visionary is a missionary. Dear brethren, the gospel truth about this; Individual differences, different background, different message for a particular generation means heaven is not an author of confusion. The synoptic gospel of Matthew, the wise men saw the star within their scope of exceptional spirituality.They discovered that the kings of the Jews is born Matthew 2 vs 2-5.  The message of Ezekiel is different from the message of Elijah. All in the same direction towards the kingdom of God. Jesus was exceptionally sent as a mesiah. The Messiah that will lay the foundation for the heaven of the Christians. 
    Within the circular world, in every profession, in every discipline among professionals, technocrats, no matter the field of occupation. In every 100 in each business entity there must be a star. A star become an Icon in their profession. 
This is a global phenomenon an injustice under the sky. Some people sacrifice the star of another personality that has a mission to become a star so the journey to stardom is very rough.

In Africa context there’s this law of necessity widely believed that two stars cannot emanate from the sky at the same time. One must leave the stage for another to survive.Imagine yourself watching a video about a celebrity, perhaps a famous artists which you admire so much. It start with the scene of her childhood, her music lessons, endless practice, act or performing in a concert, travelling far & wide. At the verge/ epic of her Career to become an international celebrity, a news was all over the media this morning that she lost her life in a ghastly motor accident. This is another injustice, obstacles in the race to become a world class celebrity like a case of a person that God has given power to make wealth but was not giving power to live long Ecclesiastes 6 vs 2. 

Then you need to ask yourself a question as a Christian:

1) Is this the act of God or man?

2) Why this at the edge of breakthrough?

3) Why wouldn’t you ask if am the one, will I prefer to leave the stage so early?

Then in quote “If not a Christians who else”?Then we need to put on the whole armour of God Ephesains 6 vs 12. In other to survive this generation.


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