John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

By the reason of the word of God, it’s obvious that the dividends of serving God rest on the amount of Joy that individual derived as in utilities which cannot be measured by any human mechanism. Called Joy of Salvation. By right or proclamation, it is established as a candidate of heaven there’s joy in serving God. 
2) faith 
3) increase 

     The joy of salvation ushers in belief in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the key to salvation, Christianity centered on believe Mark 6 vs 1- end.   Jesus Christ is the head of the church.  He passes through a woman so that we can run from sins and trust in his speech from God.  He is the sacrificial lamb John 3:16. The death & resurrection of Jesus Christ as been spoken by him, that the apostles should meet him in Galilee.  All his predictions came to pass and the prediction of those that predicted before his coming came to fulfillment.  We have no justification to question the authority of his coming,  so he ushers in the joy of salvation in the life of those that believe in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Through him, the door of heaven is opened by the reason for his practical analysis. Jesus establishes testimonies as a reward for believers
    Faith is an integral part of the joy of salvation. Without faith, man cannot please God.  When Jesus came in, what makes him unique and different as the son of God from his predecessor is because every authority on earth and heaven belongs to him and demonstrated the power by the graveside of Lazarus.  He said if you believe, you will see the glory of God. 
Hence, faith can be defined as things we believe in and not yet seen, evidence of things not yet seen and believed.  God is a great rewarder he gives consideration to every effort under the sun on a balance equation. Those that affiliate their business entity, individual career, professionals in different fields, God has a very large bank where he distributed the testimony, joy, prosperity to those that serve him.
 What makes us joyful concerning faith,  the joy in faith is salvation as it is in heaven and earth established because Christ transferred authority to you. Salvation has given us the faith by birth, inheritance, and authority. 
    The joy of Salvation brings increase when we surrender our totality according to Dasagom doctrine.  The joy of every Christian center on what we receive from our father based on inter-relationship between man and God. Jesus has come to give us hope, those of us that trusted in him. 
    The more you cast your hope on him, your expectations are powered by the Holy Ghost that is assigned to turn your dream, aspiration, vision, mission to reality.  Without a doubt, the dividends of our devotions are the joy of salvation. As we glamour for change, the vitality of product of change is testimony and the testimony ushered in celebration of Saints. He said and I quote “The only shout in the community of the saint is the shout of joy”. LET’S GO TO THE SYNAGOGUE OF GOD, TO THE COMMUNITY OF SAINTS IN MOUNTAINS OF PRAYERS THERE ARE BLESSINGS. OIL OF GRACE OVERALL THE LAMP OF BLESSINGS.     THE INHERITANCE OF CHILDREN OF HEAVEN AND PORTION IS PROSPERITY BY MERCY. WE WERE BORN TO CELEBRATE. 


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